Partner with MAPLERIDGE Ranch

November 2013

Dear Camp Friends, Families, Alumni, Supporters, and Volunteers:

Howdy from MAPLERIDGE! I hope this finds you well! As I sit here today, I cannot help but thank the Lord for how He continues to provide and use the Ranch in the lives of so many. This past summer camp was a huge success, with over 50% of our campers being first timers, 35 salvations, and many more lives impacted for His kingdom. For many of our campers, the Ranch is the first place they will hear about the loving, saving, grace of our Savior! You can have a hand in helping us continue to reach many more young people with the Gospel.

There are several opportunities for you to partner with MAPLERIDGE Ranch as we impact the lives of young people for Christ. The top three opportunities for financial partnership in the ministry are:
       Sponsorship of Capital Projects
       Ongoing Monthly Support
       Camper Scholarship Program

Sponsorship of Capital Projects
To achieve the goal of providing a memorable experience for our campers, we must continue to reinvest in the Ranch facilities. We were able to accomplish our kitchen renovation in 2013 and that is just the beginning. Attached is a list of  2014 Capitial Projects we are planning for 2014. We are praying for God to move on the hearts of His people to sponsor these projects. Sponsoring a project can involve a complete or partial sponsorship of the project. As you read over the list of projects, which one jumps out at you?
Ongoing Monthly Support
Most of the camp revenue and expenses occur during a few months in the summer. The rest of the year we are incurring expenses related to recruitment of summer staff, partnership visits with churches, and maintenance of the grounds and horses. Monthly support evens out the cash flow for the Ranch and provides the funds necessary to make preparations for the upcoming summer camp season. As a supporter of the Ranch Ministry, what amount could you commit to every month?
Camper Scholarship Program
Many children dream of attending camp but that dream has not come true because of family finances. By providing a scholarship of $35 a month, you can make a child’s dream of summer camp come true. How many dreams can you make into reality through your scholarship donation?

If God has laid it on your heart to partner with the ministry, please visit our GIVE site or email us at

While your financial partnership is important, even more critical is prayer partnership. We know God answers prayer as we continue to see many prayers answered. Pray for the ministry, pray for the children, pray over the list of capital projects, pray for ongoing monthly support, pray for scholarships, pray for the staff, pray for the board and pray for me.
God is changing lives at MAPLERIDGE! Your support will continue to make it possible.
In Him,
Duane R Blasdel aka “CHIEF”