The financial crisis affected us all!!

Did you know that MAPLERIDGE RANCH is a non-profit 501(C3) organization?

Just like many households, The Ranch was affected by the financial market meltdown.  The flood of 2011 also brought about even more challenges.  These challenges included dwindling camper registration, less support from individuals, and less church financial support.
In 2011 MAPLERIDGE was on the brink of shutting down due to financial duress. At that time, The Board of Directors made a decision to pull out all the stops, and make a last ditch effort to save The Ranch.  After being turned down at multiple financial institutions, we were able to obtain a $150,000 short term mortgage.  The proceeds were used to payoff overdue debts that had accumulated, including, utility bills, food service bills, license fees, overdue payroll, and more. This mortgage was our last chance.
We have worked tirelessly to cut whatever expenses we could, and look to 2014 as the first year in many of having a “balanced” budget.  No stone was left unturned.  We have also paid down our mortgage principal balance by almost $30,000 in the last two years!
We have much to be thankful for, however, we need your help.  This past summer MAPLERIDGE RANCH saw over 400 children experience the wonders of our camp. Many groups also came out during the Spring, and Fall.  In 2012 we were able to offer scholarships to over 50 children, many of which were victims of the devastation of the 2011 flood.
The improvements to MAPLERIDGE are to numerous to list, but include a new kitchen (required by code), a GAGA ball pit, some new windows in the bunkhouse, renovation of the Directors home, and more.  These improvements were all funded by “designated donations”, and lots of sweet equity from our tireless volunteers.   We continue to have a needs list for even more to improvements, and pray that 2014 will provide us our needs for these capital projects.
Our budget for operating, and income is “balanced”, but we are short the amount needed to make our monthly mortgage payments, and one old loan (that is almost paid off).
The payments for 2014 are approximately $30,000.  Will you help by making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION, NOW?
Please don’t wait!  We need your commitment now, no donation is to small!  Our ability to grow MAPLERIDGE under the new leadership of “Chief” Duane Blasdel depends on you. Duane, has facilitated the magic of camp as Director this past summer, and saw over 25 children accept Christ for the first time.  As we approach Christmas we ask for your prayers, and stewardship.
Will you help? Just click here, and make your Tax Deductible donation now!
On behalf of The Board of Directors, Merry Christmas, and God Bless!
Jacques E. Laubert 
PS Our mortgage has a balloon clause, which means that the balance is due in full in 2015.  No donation is to small, please contribute to the Mortgage Pay Down Fund. Remember your donation is tax deductible.
PPS If you are interested in other opportunities to help, or would like a copy of our financial reports, please do not hesitate to contact me