Thank You For Making CTF 2014 A Huge Success

Thank you so much for attending our 2nd Celebrate The Future Dinner! While the evening was a huge success, there a few points I would like to emphasize that may not have come across due to time restraints. Here at MAPLERIDGE Ranch, our goal is that each camper Experiences New Adventures, Builds Life-Long Friendships, and most importantly Discovers the Love of Christ. This past summer I believe we made huge strides in each of these goals! It was such a blessing to me to watch a counseling staff who was spiritually mature fully engaged, and investing in the lives of these campers. That is why we exist!

It is my prayer that each of us would understand the power of camp, and consider sending at least one child you know to MAPLERIDGE this summer! Did you know that there are over 25,000 camper aged children in just Broome and Tioga counties alone? My prayer is that EACH ONE would SEND ONE! If everyone would just send one then we would have 550 campers and no empty beds this summer. Remember each one of those beds represents a life and a soul that could be impacted by the Gospel of Christ!

I wanted to personally thank Sue O’Donnell for her tremendous work to coordinate our auctions…we could not have done this without her! I also wanted to thank my parents Pat and Kim Blasdel for their continued support, who’s faith and steadfastness is a heritage we who’ve been involved with the ranch for years can all claim. Our event team was incredible and this night could not have been possible without the sacrifice of many hours from many volunteers.

I believe our event was a huge success, with over 280 supporters in attendance and over 70 Individuals and Businesses donating to our Auctions. We raised a significant amount of money towards our Scholarship Funds and Debt Reduction. I can’t wait to see how God will bless the future of MAPLERIDGE! Thank you for Celebrating The Future with us!

Here is A MAPLERIDGE DAY Video we were going to show Saturday night and a written testimony A Parents Point Of View by Angela Mowry Upright we weren’t able to get to! Enjoy!