Greetings from MAPLERIDGE! I hope this post finds you and your family well! I want to thank you so much for your continued prayer and support for the ministry of MAPLERIDGE Ranch!!! I am so excited to continually see God answer prayers, and change lives for eternity!
2014 was a banner year for MAPLERIDGE, and I want to share with you some incredible Stats from last year, which you will find on 2014 In Review. I get so pumped about every single one of those numbers and stats… God deserves all the praise and glory! If you have been familiar with the Ranch for any length of time, I hope you rejoice with us in the fact we were able to reduce our debt by over $40,000 and still experienced a slight increase in revenue! Winter months have historically been very, very difficult months financially. However, for the first time in many years, we as a Board of Directors have been able to look to the future of the Ranch, and not just try to figure out how to survive.
And whats so awesome, is 2015 looking even better! Consider the following items!
1. Summer Camp 2015 Enrollment – we have currently over 225 Campers Registered, that’s almost as many as we had enrolled last year at the end of MAY! Amazing!
2. Mortgage Refinanced! God provided away, only in His timing and His fashion, for the camp to refinance the mortgage (which had a balloon payment in 2015), reducing our Interest Rate from 8% to 3%, and we now will be able to pay it off in 3 years, just by simply making our monthly payment!
3. New Board Members – God has provided us with 3 awesome new Board members in the past year. All bringing unique skill sets needed for the future growth of the camp.
Hopefully you can tell, I’m pumped! But I would like to ask you to consider giving this month to our Mortgage Payoff Fund. Having our Mortgage Paid In Full, would be an absolute game changer for the Ranch Ministry. If every Ranch family, alumni and friend gave a gift of $100 or more, it would be paid off this month! Once we have the Mortgage Paid Off, our Annual Operating Budget would almost be covered through Camp Fees. Allowing us to re-allocate all additional donations and support to improving and expanding our Facilities, increasing our Scholarship Fund, and expanding our Ministry.
Please join me in this God-sized Prayer Request, and give to our MORTGAGE PAY OFF FUND today! How awesome would it be to see God answer this request, and enter Summer Camp 2015 entirely debt free!!!!! I believe He can totally make it happen! I love each and everyone of you! Please join us as we continue casting the vision for what MAPLERIDGE is going to be. Let’s all come together and be a part of something bigger than ourselves!
In Him,
If you would like to give today… Click here