MAPLERIDGE Fall Update… Thank You!

Thank You so much for your support of the ministry of Jesus Christ at MAPLERIDGE Ranch! Whether your support has been through prayer, labor, financial, or all of the above you have helped make this ministry possible. Without God’s people, none of this would be possible and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Here are some highlights of the Ranch ministry made possible by your support:

The wireless internet and Firewall system were upgraded to increase security and provide computer access all the way to the Nurse’s Office and Kitchen. Twenty new Maple trees were planted around the Camp. Lights and water were added to the Pavilion making it so much more functional and convenient. The Glory Indoor Arena, Chapel, and all remaining cabins received a fresh coat of paint. “The Old Bell” found new life on a stone foundation in front of the Chapel and once again rings in meal time every day.  We have also paid down our mortgage balance by $55,000 in just 12 months, with only $51,000 remaining! Through your generosity God provided over $10,000 to meet an $8,500 scholarship need. In addition, we experienced the highest Camper Return Rate in over 5 years…65%!!!! 


Best of all, the lives of 25 campers where changed for eternity when they accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior; and two campers and a staff member followed the Lord through the waters of Baptism!! Praise The Lord! That is what this ministry is all about and they could not have been reached without you.

John 4:35 “…I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white, ready to harvest.”


Please continue to pray for the ministry of MAPLERIDGE Ranch as we prepare for 2016 that we see many more lives changed for eternity! We look forward to your continued

support in whatever manner God leads.

Thank you again for investing in His Kingdom!