Camp is for the Counselors, Too

MAPLERIDGE Ranch desires that every camper experiences new adventures, builds lifelong friends, and discovers the love of Christ.
– Chief
If I had a dollar for every time I heard Chief say that this summer, I would be one wealthy girl. This past summer, I had the opportunity to be a counselor at MAPLERIDGE Ranch and, let me tell you, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Prior to going to MAPLERIDGE, I had some hesitations and doubts, I was leaving my family and friends for the summer, I feared falling behind in school because I needed to take summer classes and most of all, I would have to camp out in the woods! Not once or twice, but every single Wednesday night! Before MAPLERIDGE, I could count the times I have camped on one hand. So, to say I was nervous was an understatement! I still vividly remember the first night I was there. I sat up on the top bunk facing my best friend, Abby, who was also a counselor. Both of us were on the verge of tears, thinking that we made the wrong decision by coming, and now we were stuck here all summer! Little did we know that God had much bigger plans for us than we ever thought.

MAPLERIDGE Ranch is more than just your typical summer camp that you go to when you’re a kid. It’s so personal and interactive. You always have something to do, whether it be riding the trails on a horse, climbing the tower, stomping through the creek after it rains, or just sitting and talking with your friends on the Hitching Post Porch. Little did the kids know that those were the memories that they would remember forever, and little did I know that I would make forever memories as well.

Little did the kids know that those were the memories that they would remember forever, and little did I know that I would make forever memories as well.

Being a counselor had its ups and downs. Every once in a while, there would be a camper who would need a little more “loving on” than others, but overall my campers were the most amazing girls. I got to spend every week pouring into their lives and, in turn, they poured back into mine. I think that is one of the reasons why this camp is so special. You have kids that come from all walks of life and from every different state to experience MAPLERIDGE and to discover the love of Jesus. For some kids this camp is their home away from home and their safe place. You can see it so clearly when they step onto the camp property. I remember one night laying out under the stars talking to my girls and hearing some of their life stories, I never would’ve expected to hear from 13-year-old girls. Every one of my girls taught me so much, from helping me build our campfire, learning how to boondoggle, and to worship with child-like faith. They never seemed to stop amazing me all summer long.

We all know that camp is for the campers, but to be honest I think that camp is for the counselors, too! This summer I had the privilege of meeting some of the most amazing humans I have ever met. I never would have  thought that I would make such wonderful lifelong friends. I remember Chief telling me in my interview that I would become friends with the person that I would least expect, and he was 100% correct. It’s crazy to me that God took me thousands of miles away to meet someone that lived right down the road from me! It’s such a small world. These friends mean so much to me and even though we all live in different parts of the country we are still the best of friends.

I am so thankful that God opened the door for me to work at MAPLERIDGE this past summer. He taught me so much about His abundant love, not just for me, but for everyone I encountered. He blessed me by allowing me to meet so many new friends, who are now like family. I can’t wait to see what this summer holds. Lots more adventure, lots more friends, and most importantly lots more of Jesus! Bring on MAPLERIDGE Ranch Summer Camp 2018!

– Camp Counselor, Allyson Farnell