Greetings, MAPLERIDGE Family!

We, at MAPLERIDGE, wanted to update our camp family regarding the global pandemic.

“Will we have CAMP this summer?”

As of right now, our answer is a Hopeful Yes!

We are hopeful, prayerful, and preparing for your campers to still have their life-changing camp experience. We are in continual communication with the New York State Health Department, and watching developments very closely. 

Last week, we, as a Board, met, prayed, and discussed contingency plans, so we are prepared for whatever comes our way. We know He is in control, and He will allow what He wants us to experience. 

As we move forward full of faith and with wise caution, we continue to focus on our number one priority – your camper. We’ve always had rigorous practices in place to ensure campers’ health and safety, but we will be taking it to another level to address all of the concerns regarding COVID-19. Further details will be discussed in May.

A second question many have asked:

“Should I STILL REGISTER my child?”

Yes! Parents are still registering their campers, and we encourage you to continue registering! 

We are hopeful our summer schedule will not be impacted. However, we are prepared, and we will refund your camper’s tuition in full for the 2020 camping session, including deposit, in the following situations:

  • If MAPLERIDGE cancels your camper’s specific session.
  • If your camper’s school end date overlaps with their session.
  • If MAPLERIDGE’s entire summer camping season has to be canceled.

Please know we pray specifically for our MAPLERIDGE Family. If you have any requests, concerns or needs we can pray for, please email us today.


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!”

Love y’all! See you on Opening Day, if not before!

In Him,

Duane Blasdel 

P.S. – If you’d rather be BOONDOGGLIN’ today than working… email me your address, and I’ll send you supplies to make your very own Boondoggle!