God Appeared To Me

I’m ready for some good ole “precedented” times! How about you?

One thing remains true during these (^insert Word We Shall Not Use) times: THERE IS PASSION FOR MAPLERIDGE AMONG THE FAMILY!

Your response upon canceling Summer Camp has been overwhelming and brought me to tears many times. Thank you for your kind notes, mentions on social media, prayers, and generosity. I’ve known the love for MAPLERIDGE and the Ranch of Peace has been strong for 65 years, but it has gone to an entirely new level.

Last week, it hit me why MAPLERIDGE is such a special place for everyone who steps on the property. I hosted a small (less than ten people) meeting of our essential Project Volunteers to discuss “free” projects we could tackle this summer. At the start of the meeting, I asked everyone to share:

“Why do you give up your most precious resource (time) to MAPLERIDGE?”

One of the men brought his 17-year-old son along, and the camper’s response summed up everyone’s reason for loving MAPLERIDGE…

“I love this place. I met Jesus here, got saved here, and baptized here. I want to give back for years to come!”

What he said, without realizing it was, this is “My Bethel!”

Let me explain. In the Bible, Bethel was the name of the place where God first appeared to Jacob, and later God instructed him to build an altar to mark his life-changing encounter. (Genesis 35) It hit me…MAPLERIDGE is “My Bethel.” It’s where I encountered God for the first time, and many times since. And MAPLERIDGE has been “Bethel” for thousands of kids over the past 65 years.

There will always be something special about the place you meet Jesus! I still have not warmed up to camp being canceled. I don’t understand it. But clearly, God has a bigger plan for our Bethel. I know He will continue to use MAPLERIDGE as a place where He appears to many more generations! Not just to a couple hundred each summer, but thousands each summer. Your continued generosity has helped secure and sustain the future of MAPLERIDGE.

As you can imagine, the loss of this summer camp season will have a very significant fiscal impact on us since our only sources of income are contributions and camper fees. At this time, we are asking you to consider contributing to MAPLERIDGE’S General Fund. Your generosity during this difficult season will be crucial for the future of Summer Camp. All gifts are tax-deductible. 

We are trusting Him. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. Our prayer is that many more will one day call MAPLERIDGE Ranch their Bethel.


In Him,

Duane Blasdel