The 4 Important Keys To Planning Summer Camp 2021

We are diligently preparing to provide the best week of your child’s life. 

As with everything right now, we understand plans are always changing. However, we believe you can have a peace of mind registering your child today knowing:

The 4 Important Keys To Planning Next Summer

1. Save Money

MAPLERIDGE registration opens every October 1st, with a $50 discount offered throughout the month. Plus, we always offer a few extra giveaways. Another bonus to registering early is our Monthly Installment Plan. Save $50 Today

You save $25… and they save $25, with every new camper you invite. Invite 4 friends, and that’s an easy $100 savings. Learn more about our Pack-A-Friend Referral Program and get our Pack-A-Friend Discount Code.

Also, make summer camp even more affordable with  Chief’s 7 Ways To Save!

2. Camper Safety

You can be reassured Camp Safety Procedures and Projects are underway. As we move forward full of faith and with wise caution, we continue to focus on our number one priority – your camper. We’ve always had rigorous practices in place to ensure campers’ health and safety, but we will be taking it to another level to address all of the concerns regarding COVID-19. Further details will be made available in May.

3. Session Switch

If you don’t know your summer plans yet, we recommend still register. As long as the session you wish to request has not reached capacity, we can switch sessions. Email us today for further questions. 

4. Full Refund

We will refund your camper’s tuition in full for the 2021 camping session, including deposit, in the following situations:

    • If MAPLERIDGE cancels your camper’s specific session.
    • If your camper’s school end date overlaps with their session.
    • If MAPLERIDGE’s entire summer camping season has to be canceled.

Imagine how your child will feel after a week with no stress, no homework, and no phone. Let the adventure begin.