Archives of #summer camp

MAPLERIDGE Ranch Mortgage Update…

Greetings from MAPLERIDGE Ranch! I hope this post finds you well. I want to thank you so much for your continued prayer and support for the ministry of MAPLERIDGE Ranch! We are so excited to continually see God answer prayers, and change lives for eternity! We have some very exciting news to share with our […]

Why my children go to Summer Camp…

Summer Camp is a great choice for our family.  We have three children who have found their niche while at MAPLERIDGE Ranch. Campers are encouraged to express themselves as individuals and embrace and explore their faith.    MAPLERIDGE provides a nurturing and safe environment where our children are able to openly express their faith and create a real and lasting relationship […]

Imagine MAPLERIDGE Completely Debt Free…

Greetings from MAPLERIDGE! I hope this post finds you and your family well!  I want to thank you so much for your continued prayer and support for the ministry of MAPLERIDGE Ranch!!! I am so excited to continually see God answer prayers, and change lives for eternity! 2014 was a banner year for MAPLERIDGE,  and I […]

Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley Offers Camp Scholarships

Are you a member of a church in the Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley? Are you interested in summer camp for your kids? Did you know the Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley, which covers 7 counties and over 48 churches loves Summer Camp, and offers camperships to any Christian Camp for their church members! What an incredible […]

Ten Reasons Why Every Kid Should Go To Summer Camp

I find it mind boggling that American Kids today average only 4 minutes a day outside. How in the world did this happen? Staying inside as a kid was punishment for me. I hated being inside… and I’m not even that old. I remember my dad telling me his parents rule was you had to […]

Important Summer Camp Changes You Need To Know

Dear MAPLERIDGE Ranch Families, Howdy from The Ranch…Summer Camp 2014 will be here before we know it! Plans have been underway for another incredible summer camp season… there are some important changes we’d like to inform you of, including several new and exciting options: First and foremost, we are very excited to be launching for […]

“And then the butterflies would start…”

I was at camp every summer from the time I was 8-19. Every summer going to camp meant my brothers, sister, cousins, etc. would all pack up all of our stuff & hop into the back of my dad’s truck. We had no seats, no seatbelts… just a cab on a truck, and we’d start […]

3 Things Every Ranch Friend Should Know

Howdy from the Ranch! Spring is here. The sun has finally come out, and all the white stuff has been replaced with green grass. God has been doing so many amazing things at MAPLERIDGE Ranch over the past several months that we could never fit it into just one post. So today I am sharing […]
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